“A campaign encouraging people to enter an emergency contact number in their mobile phone’s memory under the heading ICE (In Case of Emergency) is spreading throughout the world as a particular consequence of recent terrorist attacks.

Originally established as a nation-wide campaign in the United Kingdom, ICE allows paramedics or police to contact a designated relative/next-of-kin in an emergency situation.

By adopting the ICE advice, your mobile will help the rescue services quickly contact a friend or relative – which could be a vital in a life or death situation. It only takes a few seconds to do, and it could easily help save your life.

Why not put ICE in your phone now? Simply select a new contact in your phone book, enter the word “ICE” and the number of the person you wish to be contacted. For more than one Next of Kin ICE1, ICE2, ICE3. If you do a space before you enter the letters ICE it will place this at the very beginning of your list of contacts and emergency personnel will not have to scroll through all of them.

If you think this is a good idea, please pass it on to everyone in your address book. Tell your family and friends. It’s easy, free, and could save your life, or at least let your family know what’s going on.”

Charles M. Miller, Sheriff